Current Events:
Char and I recently attended the 2024 Montana Seed Show. I was honored to have one of my photographs on the cover of the Seed Show Book. I sold several prints and appreciated the sales. We got to visit with several friend we hadn’t seen in years as well as make new friends.
Past Events:
March 10th & 11th, 2023 I attended the 73rd Montana Seed Show in Harlem, Montana, and displayed my photographs along with several others artists. I received the Overall Champion ribbon in the Art Show. It was fun to meet new artists and see old friends that I went to school with there.

On March, 4, 2023, I attended the annual Montana Professional Photographer’s Association annual convention in Livingston, MT. It was good to reconnect with the members in person. I was awarded on of Montana’s Top 5 Master Photographers as as a result of the photo competition.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In March of 2022, I passed my FAA Part 107 exam which allows me to fly my drone commercially. I have now added drone photography as a provided service.
In May of 2021, the Montana Professional Photographer’s Association held their annual print competition virtually again. The entries were judge by Master Photographers from out of state and I was selected one of Montana’s Top 5 Master Photographers as a result of the competition.
I received a 1st and 2nd place in the Unclassified/Illustrative – Masters Division, a 3rd place in the Portrait of a Group – Masters Division and a 3rd Place in the Artist – Masters Division. My colleagues also done very well and it’s great to be a part of this organization.
In 2020 the Montana Professional Photographers Association annual print competition was held virtually. There were five judges from four different states who judged the prints on the 12 element of a merit print as established by the Professional Photographers of America. I was elected as one of three Montana’s Top Master Photographers from the competition results.
I received a 1st place in the Unclassified/Illustrative Category, a 1st place in the Artist Category, a 2nd place in the Commercial/Industrial Category and a 3rd place in the Unclassified/Illustrative Division in the Master’s Division. The prints can be viewed by clicking here.
Just received my Photographic Craftsman Degree at the Professional Photographers of America Annual Convention in Nashville, TN on January 20, 2020. Honored to receive this degree which I earned through teaching PPA certified classes to the photographic community and print competition. It’s important to continue to be involved, learn and stay on the cutting edge of this ever changing industry.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just returned from the Montana Professional Photographer Association annual convention where I was honored to be named one of the Montana Masters “Top Five” Photographers. This acknowledgement was the result of the annual print competition where I received two Third Place, one Second Place and one First Place on the prints that I entered in the competition. I will be working on these images and others to improve them and enter them in the Western Districts competition. Thanks all my colleagues and mentors who help me along the way!
Photographic Work Cup 2019

The team…

Credit to Alex the Photo Guy for the group photo.
I didn’t make the top ten but was honored to have been part of Team USA !

It is with great honor that I’m very excited to have been selected by the Professional Photographers of America to represent “Team USA” in the World Photographic Cup.
I was one of sixteen photographers who were selected to represent the United States in the 2019 World Photographic Cup, which takes place in Drammen, Norway, April 8, 2019. The cup mimics the Olympics by pitting teams of photographers from various countries against one another in friendly competition. In total 32 countries will be represented to contend the prestigious Cup, which was won last year by the U.S. representation.
The competition is currently in the “judging phase”. International judges will examine about 600 photographs (18 for each team). The top – 10 (finalists) of the six categories in which the competition has always been divided (portrait, wedding, reportage, commercial, nature and illustration) and the “Best of Nations”, that is, the authors of the photos that will receive the highest score for each team, they will be announced at Imaging USA 2019, in Atlanta, on January 20.
The individual medals and the team ranking, which is given by the sum of the best results obtained by the team-members, will be announced in Drammen, Norway, on April 8, 2019. The team receiving the highest score will win the prestigious World Photographic Cup 2019.
The photo of mine that was selected was taken during the Wild Horse Race at the World-Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale in Miles City, Montana.
Wish Team USA luck!

These are from the Professional Photographers of America, International Photo Competition (IPC) this year. The “Craggy Cowboy” was awarded a merit (which is 1 point) that can be used towards a photographic degree. The other picture, “Before the Ride”, is one I took a few years back but never entered it beyond state competition. This picture took 1st Place this year in Western Districts (which includes Alaska, California Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan) this year with a score of 95 in the illustrative division. It then was accepted as a loan print (which means you get two merits and it gets published in the PPA Loan Book) at the IPC. I’m getting a little closer to getting my Photographic Craftsman Degree. Thanks to all my colleagues and mentors who have helped me get to this point 🙂
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was recently honored at the 2017 Montana Professional Photographer’s Association annual award banquet for my service at the 2016-2017 president of the association. I also received “One of Five Top Master Photographers” award as a result of the annual print competition. Very humbled and appreciative of this and look forward to another successful year!
On January 10, 2017, I was awarded my Master Of Photography degree by the Professional Photographers of America. This ceremony took place at Imaging USA in San Antonio, Texas. I was honored to have many of my fellow photographer colleagues from Montana as well as my lovely wife and two older brothers in attendance. I was also recognized for my gold print case (described) below. Thanks everyone for your mentoring, word of encouragement and support.
I recently received the results from the International Photographic Competition photographs that I submitted this year. For those who may not be familiar, this is an international competition that is organized and judged by the Professional Photographers of America (PPA). Thousands of photos are submitted by photographers all over the world. The photographs are judged on 12 elements of a merit petition, instructing, continuing education and being involved with PPA. I’m currently seeking my Masters of Photography degree which I have been working on for several years.
A panel of 46 eminent jurors from across the United States selected the top photographs from nearly 5,700 total submitted. Judged against a standard of excellence, 2428 images were selected for the General Collection and 1007 were selected for the esteemed Loan Collection�the best of the best.
In this year’s competition I was honored to have two photographs that earned merits in the general category and two photographs that earned merits and went loan. Feeling very grateful. These results are considered a gold case. These are my submissions:
In August of 2015 I received three merits for prints that I entered into the Professional Photographers Association International Photo Competition. These are the prints:
In June I accompanied some fellow photographers to photograph the wild flowers and the wild mustang horses in the Pryor Mountains. It gives you an appreciation for the beauty of this state and God’s creatures. To view a gallery of some of the pictures, click on the link below the photograph 🙂
On May 16th & 17th I attended the 65th annual Mile City Bucking Horse Sale in Miles City, Montana. Another great year of fun and excitement. I have a lot of respect for these cowboys and their sport. The Wild Horse Races were an entertaining way to start and end each days events. I was fortunate this year to attend both Saturday and Sunday and I’m already looking forward to next year! To see a gallery of some of the photos I took click the link below the photo.
I just returned from the Montana Professional Photographers Association convention in Bozeman, Montana. I was honored to have received “Photographer Of The Year” as a result of the MPPA annual print competition. I submitted six images that were accepted for exhibition. As a result of the judging by 5 Master Photographers I received a 1st and 2nd place in the Electronic Imaging Division and a 1st and 3rd place in the Unclassified Division. In addition I received a Judge’s Choice Award and Best Print Of Show on 1st Placing Print “Let’s Dance” which also received the highest score in the competition by a Certified Professional Photographer. I would like to congratulate the many other professional photographers who entered and won awards as well. I received my Service Award for my involvement in the MPPA and currently hold the position of Vice President. I will be busy planning next years convention which will be held in Billings, Montana in April of 2016.